Support Stacie April Author Auction

Mar 12, 2010 14:14

I'll put the bad news up front: I'm not gonna be tossing my hat in the ring for the "April" auction (3/26 - 3/29). :( I just have too much else going on (including a colicky Muse at the moment) for me to be able to take on *one more* deadline and have a hope in hell of completing fic on time for some generous person.

HOWEVER, as added bidding incentive (I hope), I'm gonna make a Special Offer of my very own. This is just me, outside of the regular auction framework, mind, but it's still a small way I can participate.

TO WIT: if you bid $50 or more on any Doctor Who or Torchwood auction thread in the "April" 2010 Stacie auction, I will write you a DW/TW drabble (100 words) or short ficlet (final length of fic depends on my Muse's dictates) to your prompt WITH NO RESTRICTIONS AT ALL (unless I totally don't know the characters or episode reference, in which case I reserve the right to ask for something I *can* write), so long as you send me a link to the appropriate bidding post on the Stacie auction forums along with your prompt.

THE CAVEATS: Numero uno: you will get your drabble/ficlet "whenever." Might be the same day you give me the prompt, might be months later (ask foalen about her bidding-ficlet experience from the last auction, which I'm still embarrassed about), but I *will* write it eventually. Numero two-o: you can request one drabble/ficlet per thread in which you bid, but not multiple drabbles/ficlets for the *same* thread (so if you bid the minimum of 50 bucks in 2 threads, you can get 2 ficlets, but if you bid multiple times in the same thread, that will only get you one fic). This isn't me being "cheap," just trying to make sure I don't end up with an overwhelming/impossible number of things to write if a thread gets into a high-stakes bidding war or some such.

So get out there, bid, cheerlead, and enjoy the auction! It's great fun, and in the best of causes. <3

auction, doctor who, fanfic, charity, torchwood

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