Seriously, Cosmo, WTF??

Feb 01, 2010 08:48

So I was trying to relax and get to sleep last night, and was cruising inconsequential/silly websites to turn off my brain. I ended up on the Cosmopolitan website (don't ask how), which isn't exactly my usual stomping ground, and for the hell of it clicked on an article entitled "Date ideas Men Love."

It's long been my pet theory that the writers at Cosmo deliberately come up with dumbass relationship stuff out of a kind of warped, twisted glee, and I've always felt sorry for any poor schmoe whose girlfriend would take the things seriously and spring all kinds of crazy stuff on him out of thin air. This article is no exception. There are the usual stereotypical "things guys like" assumptions (beer, guns, basketball), but there's one real winner out of the bunch:

The Date: Take Him to See The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Why He’ll Love It: This flick has a legendary cult following of fans who dress up in costume to watch the movie at midnight. He’ll brag to his friends that seeing the movie was your idea, and you’ll earn a license to take him to see as many rom-coms as you want for the rest of the month.

Now, I'll admit, pretty much every guy I've ever gone out with has been familiar with Rocky (and usually had been to see it a couple times on his own before I met him), but I tend to go out with a particularly geeky/nonconformist set. If you're dating outside that set, I don't envision a whole lot of guys, especially straight guys, who would necessarily go bragging to their drinking buddies about having been to this one, and the whole line about earning a pass to go see lots of fail-y rom-coms as "payback" for the coolness of Rocky kinda makes my head spin.

Also, bonus lulz for this one:

The Date: Rent a Vespa and Go for a Ride

Why He'll Love It: Your guy will feel like a badass on two wheels and you'll have the perfect excuse to wrap your arms around him.

Yeah, because nothing says "badass" like a 4 hp European scooter. (Don't get me wrong -- nothing against Vespas; they can be fun, breezy, flirty, all that good stuff . . . but badass?).

Women's magazines: breaking people up since . . . I don't know when. Probably since soon after their inception, anyway. o_O

snark, relationships, random, wtf?

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