So I haven't been getting much online time lately (I'm backlogged on comments I need to make and reply to again, but I still love you all, really . . .), but somehow iin what little time I've been online, I've been deluged with fannish crack, at a much higher percentage than usual. I kid you not. In fact, I'll prove it.
First up,
foalen follows her
previous Photoshoppery with an image of Simm!Master all, um, ready to go on Iron Chef Time Lord. Once again, too hilariously memorable (if rather brain-burningly so, this time) to let it languish in a comments thread:
Next, following a rec posted most recently by
kateorman, a couple of highly enjoyable Life On Mars fanfics, told via handwritten notes passed between Sam and Gene:
"Just a Note . . ." and
"Just a Slightly More Dramatic Note." Gene's messages (and doodles) are very much in character, so probably NSFW, and the second story ends on a cliffhanger (oh, noes!).
A little digging also turned up that one of the authors of the above note-fic is a very talented artist, with a penchant for, erm, unexpected LoM crossovers. Witness
Sam and
Gene as Aurors from the "Harry Potter" universe, and
Sam and Gene meeting Sam and Dean (from Supernatural) for a bit of illegal street racing . . .
(Warning inserted here to
countessaleska: browse Life on Mars art and fic sites carefully -- the slash content is rather high. And I'm saying that.)
ponygirl72 kindly collected all three parts of the Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre's Doctor Who "The End of Time" parody/commentary
in one handy LJ post. Go, watch, sporfle. XD
Hrgh. I think the extra coffee I drank to get through the day is finally wearing off, so g'night all, and cracky dreams (or a cracky good morning, as the case may be for you). I'll try to be more communicative in a bit . . . :)