A lot of people have been speculating about the identity of a certain piece of armor to be seen in both segments of "End of Time." Naturally, since I play with the stuff on a regular basis, I was looking pretty carefully at both items ("oooh, shiny!"), and have organized a small compare'n'contrast picspam under the cut.
Spoilers, if you hadn't figured that out yet. )
RE: the Hair Thing, if you're referring to Bliss, hell, I rationalize it away with an, "It's my AU, neener, neener; la, la, I can't hear you!" But your idea works, too. XD (I originally thought of the Bliss Knot as a way for hair to be tucked up under a ceremonial skullcap, FWIW, wihtout really paying attention to matching the rest of canon). :)
Yeah, I figure the Visionary might very well be another product of TL tinkering to try and get whatever advantages they could in the War. I *like* your explanation of why previous Masters never seemed to have the drums-thing going on; after all, Time is mutable in this universe.
I kinda like the War not really being dealt with here. It means one can have fun freely imagining/writing fic/theorizing/etc. But I'm like that. ;)
That is a good point, that it's better for the sake of the fandom to leave it vague than to have one explanation that josses everyone else's, especially if the canon explanation turns out to have plotholes.
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