What I'm giving my mom for Christmas, + Fry's winter coat.

Nov 05, 2009 22:45

Dang. I've been running in so many different directions, writing-wise and otherwise, I don't really have much to show for it. But I'm crunching a bunch of pics for my Support Stacie Handmade Auction items, and in the meantime, here are a few random things from off the camera.

Anyway, as I've mentioned at least once or twice, my mom is not just an excellent artist (points to icon cribbed from one of Mom's paintings), she's also a writer, and we often chat about writer-stuff over the phone. So, imagine my gleeful squee when I found this at the Jo-Ann Fabrics store today:

Yes, it's a "pooping critter" toy (for those unfamiliar with these, they're little plastic animals; you shove brown jellybeans up their arse, then walk them across the table -- or other surface -- and they "poop" for your amusement). Not necessarily Mom's sort of thing . . . except that the title of Eats, Shoots and Leaves has been added, and in a brilliantly appropriate manner. Pure win on the part of some copy editor/designer somewhere.

Also the promised kitty pics. Looking at photos from just a couple months ago, it's clear that Fry is developing a truly impressive winter coat, indoor kitty or not. First, a photo of him in August (his first day living at Area 51, in fact):

Compare that to one of him from a few days ago:

I don't think he'll be feeling the cold this winter, do you? :)

Anyway, end of randomness, back to your normally scheduled LJ . . .

writing, cats, natter, pics, area 51, humor

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