where does a story truely begin?

Aug 11, 2004 21:06

the beach was...amazing, exactally what i needed. i think i even got alittle bit tan!

tonight was very relaxing, i sat out on the deck, played with the dog, cut some flowers for the table(which only will be enjoyed by me, but i like them) and read a lovely book(Bend In the Road(thanks Moe!)) as i drank a cold beer(which i can do as i wish now). i watched the sun set, which was beautiful. It was the perfect temperature...absolutely lovely.

i have the house to myself for a few days, which at first i was thinking "PARTY!" and then i decided that i didnt want to put my house that i love so much through that. and then i was thinking i would be lonely. and then i realized it would be nice to have things to myself for a little bit, unfortunatly i am working alot so i can't take full advantage of it, but i will enjoy it nevertheless. if anyone wants to come over and share a game of pool let me know, i would love visitors...

i am getting excited about school, thank goodness for awhile there i was afraid i would dread it forever, but now i think i'm getting ready to go back. And for once its not even because i get to go shopping for the new year, since i'm not going cause i dont feel i actually need anything. I think its just to be out on my own again and i fear that i have become somewhat antisocial. i hope its just in my mind and in fact i am not antisocial cause that would not be good.

for some reason i found myself eating alot of sugar today, which is definitely not like me at all...i have yet to find a reason for it, however i am feeling the effects of my poor decision.
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