Jul 27, 2010 00:56
The previous occupant of this apartment had cats. I smell cat piss in the front hall and the rear hall going to the bathroom. The bathroom also smells sometimes.
I tried a few different things, but still caught that smell in waves. I even used Nature's Miracle for cats. It helped, some.
Tonight I made 'funk killer'. I mixed white vinegar (some), baking soda (lots), dog shampoo, a squirt of palmolive, and a scoop of oxyclean in a bowl. It turned into a creamy paste. I applied it to a spot I wanted to nuke. It foamed awhile. Then I sucked it all up with a Bissel steam machine. Smells much better in here already and I still have the fan on it. The dog shampoo is a whitening shampoo that smells nice. Don't use the blue stinky stuff unless you have skunk or decomp.
I prolly need a blacklight to do the job right and find where the cats were exactly.
My oriental rug smelled stale, probably from being rolled up and stuck in that truck. I used the Bissel on it with white vinegar and cold water, which sucked up a lot of detergent from when I had it professionally cleaned. Then it dried pretty fast with the fan, and I powdered it with baking soda. I think the vinegar revived the burgundy color because it looks pretty good for an old oriental rug.
I think I am going to scrub the tiles in the bathroom and foyer with some funk killer and just kill any possible sources of odor there.