Political rant

Sep 23, 2006 18:36

So, the ONLY issue on which Republicans poll ahead of Democrats is National Security.

Here's a tip, morons. STOP RUNNING FROM THE ISSUE.

The Republicans poll better on national security because they love to whip their dicks out and spout about how big they are. Well it doesn't matter how fucking big your dick is if you piss at 90 degree angles?

Don't get my mtephor, here's a few fucking clues.

Not one of the 9/11 hijackers was from Iraq, Afganistan, or Iran.

15 were from Saudi Arabia. 4 Were from Egypt. And where is bin Laden hiding? Pakistan. But just guess which of the nation-states above are our "allies" in the "War on Terror?"

Oh yeah, and where did bin Laden get his training? Where did Saddam get the money to keep his war with Iran going all those years? From the Reagan administration.

So here's a fucking idea- why not mention to the American people that 9/11 happened on Bush's watch. When he was supposed to be protecting us from the bad guys. He can't even turn on the weather channel- how the hell is he, or any of the overpaid yes-men that work for him, going to protect us from a terroist when they can't see a hurricane coming?

So, all you chickenshit democrats- why not point out that fewer Americans died at the hands of terroists under Clinton than any other recent President? How about point out that the RNC leaders are pussies who have the gall to call men like John McCain, Max Cleland, and John Murtha cowards while they start wars that end up making us enemies faster than we can kill them?

How about pointing out that maybe offering money for terrorists to impoverished farmers in war-torn Afganistan was a STUPID FUCKING IDEA, and maybe that is why we have god knows how many people in Gitmo, scared out of their wits and tortured for information they don't have? (And don't give me shit about them really being terrorists- any real terrorists get shipped to CIA black sites, the CIA handles people with real info.)

How about pointing out that the war mongers got played by Iranian intelligence like a cheap banjo? (Really, come on, who has anything to gain by forging documents about Iraq buying Uranium from Niger?) How about pointing out that, if the stupid color-danger sheme is real, shit would have blown up by now? How the fuck has every day since the invention of this rainbow of fear been an "elevated" day? Seriously, how the fuck is the best way to respond to 9/11 to GO SHOPPING?

It's time to call a spade a spade, and maybe start campaigning on the fact that the Republicans don't know jack shit about keeping the country safe? If the American peoplle believe that shit, it's high fucking time you showed them how WRONG they are.

But of course, no one can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory like the Democratic party. grow a set and point out the lies. There were no weapons of mass destruction, hadn't been any since 1991. Bush dropped the ball on 9/11. It's time to call them on it.
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