
Sep 09, 2009 23:59

Graz -> Igles = 440 KM

As you can see - we had to drive a bit into Germany, which actually made the trip FASTER - the west of Austria has so many mountains that the "detour"  actually made for faster Autobahns. 

 This day was relatively short - left in the afternoon, after of course, making the stop at the gas station for "necessary goods"...

The goal: Innsbruck, to meet Daniel, a friend I met in my exchange year in Vienna, for dinner and a drink or two! It's cool to keep in touch with people even as the distance and years go by - great to catch up with him.

On the way in we were accompanied by some great colors...

More where that comes from! All photos for the day were posted to my facebook album:

Well it was off to a nice start, and so good to chat, but at some point we called it a night and turned in to catch some zz's before the long stretch of road the next day...


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