Sep 08, 2006 17:42
Five years ago a phone call woke me. A plane had hit a skyscraper in New York. I watched, like people all over this country, horrified as the second plane hit the second tower. I tried a dozen times to turn off the set. I couldn't do anything but pray that the people in those buildings would be able to get out.
A third plane hit the Pentagon. Marines, soldiers and civilians were killed there, too. Another plane headed in the same direction was prevented by the passengers, all of whom died when it crashed.
I will never forget the people who went into those buildings to rescue the people in the towers. I will always remember the people at the Pentagon and the bravery of the people on Flight 93.
Will there ever be another disaster like 9/11? I hope not, but Osama Bin Laden is still at large. Why hasn't he been captured? Is this country safer, now? I know that I will be examining the ballots very carefully before I vote in the coming primary and mid-term elections. I want to know what these people think and how they plan to solve the very real problems we have in this country.
If you aren't registered to vote, get registered. If you are registered, make sure you vote. Decisions are made by the people who show up. Don't leave it to someone else. It's your country.