what the hell is going on? im bored outta ma damn mind sitting here wathcin maury and shit lol ahh well :P me, my pappy, one of my 50 million damn lil cousins, and one of my daddy 50million damn sisters went to church last night it was off the chain! {excuse me Lord} its like right up the street from my house but i never even heard of it yet alone noticed it right by the bridge. at first i aint know where we was going then when i got there, woooooo!!! all i saw was beauty! i know some people might think im wrong for being in the lords house tryna check out ppl lol but that wasnt even the case! but i aint gotta explain maself to yall heathen asses! i saw one dude i went to middle school with (harrison) and at first i aint realize it was him then when i did recognize him i was just expecting us to walk right past each other but he stopped me and was like "wassup u lookin good these days" and slapped me up and gave me a hug its always good to see my old ppls from monroe even though we aint really get along lol but hey.....today was well just another day i had to stuggle to fuckin stay awake in everydamn class but that aint nothing new... its setting in IM MOVING TO ATL!!!!! wooo!! im happy as hell to get away from this stanking ass city then at the same time imma miss all my ppls!!! despite SOME tryna make me feel guilty **cough cough** HEFFA U KNOW WHO U R!! but ya know ill be back sooner or later just dont miss
me too much ;).......dum diddy dum dum dum girl u knoooow you want some! lol getting antsy guess that means its time for me to go shake ma ass round the house sumwhurr :D.. ~1~