I love how passionate you are. Like, not necessarily bodice-popping passionate (though you may be, and it's certainly an image that makes me smile!), but you fall in love with the world and then act on it. You write, you travel, you teach. That's such a marvelous thing.
I can't be bothered to be anonymous, so shall have to stand by my words. ;) There's something about you that is kind of captivating, and most of all nice, which sounds like a rather vanilla compliment but I mean in the best possible way. You know those people who, when you think of them, you feel sort of comforted just by their existence? You're like that. Whilst still having adventures, which is kind of impressive. ;)
Each sentence that you construct is so elogant that it makes me green with absolute envy. I have been moved to tears by your works both original and fandom based. I feel like I can hear you in your writing. And I think you are a genuinely lovely person and I'm sure you make a great teacher.
Your fics are by far and wide my favorite, and I am certain I will buy any book you write. Do what you love and want to do, things have a way of working itself out :)
I don't want to say "confident" because the connotations aren't quite right, but it's the closest I can manage. You're so sure so much of the time - or at least you give the impression that you are. Not of everything, and not in an obnoxious way, but sure, at least, of your inherent worth, no apologies. (I hope this is actually true.)
And you seem sure, too, that there's always more road ahead, like you aren't just hurtling towards the future because you have to, like the rest of us, but like you own it, or will, when you get there. Sometimes you're tired; I like that you're human, I like that you share it with us.
You're fearless with your love, and generous with your Self. You make me feel safe, and you make me happy.
I love the atmospheres you create in your fic. I always consider your high standard when I go to write. Your opinions alway carry a lot of weight with me, even if I don't always agree. Directly or indirectly, you challenge me.
I know we don't talk a lot anymore, but I love the fact that you write all of your characters with fevor; they're never cardboard cutouts, but bright, three-dimensional people.
I love reading your entries, and am always curious about what you're up to! I know that you getting to where you are now has been a difficult road, but I'm so glad you just did it. Huge awesome wishes for the future!
And you seem sure, too, that there's always more road ahead, like you aren't just hurtling towards the future because you have to, like the rest of us, but like you own it, or will, when you get there. Sometimes you're tired; I like that you're human, I like that you share it with us.
You're fearless with your love, and generous with your Self. You make me feel safe, and you make me happy.
Also, I enjoy your writing.
Good luck in the future - I hope that wonderful things are in store for you <3 .
Perhaps a bit bold, but - friends? :)
I love reading your entries, and am always curious about what you're up to! I know that you getting to where you are now has been a difficult road, but I'm so glad you just did it. Huge awesome wishes for the future!
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