Jan 10, 2009 18:13
Well, the last post was that Les and I had taken Chris to school...both girls away for our first time. Seems like the semester went like the blink of an eye. We did go to Wofford for Parent's Weekend and a VERY cold football game. Christie LOVES it there. A small, liberal arts college with rigorous academics...just her speed. We just received notice she made the Dean's List. But then, we already knew she was happy and fulfilled (and pulled a 4.0 making her 'rents happy and fulfilled!)
Kate is in her last year at Carolina. It hit us all hard that in only a few short months... She wants to teach English in Japan for a year. Yeah...in Japan. As she cannot meet the deadlines for this June we have prevailed upon her to go to grad school for a year. She is going to live in Dr. Dad's house as to put it on the market is to basically give it away right now.
To the beach for a wonderful weekend with Bob and Bonnie, Tom and Courtney in October. Terrific company and of course great food. We laughed a lot and talked a lot and even enjoyed a brief interlude on the beach. Of course, there was indeed great food to be had all weekend! Must repeat soon.
Us 4 Sheltons were back together for Thanksgiving. This time we tried something different and went to the mountains. Nice little cabin but the girls got a bit bored. Too rustic (no WiFi and limited cell service!). Spent almost a week in December at the beach justafter I got back from a week in Tennessee for the National Health Forum. So December was a bit chaotic and too short. Christmas was very quiet and at the house for once! Santa was very kind and brought me lovely jewelry and a new car. Love Santa (Hi, Honey!).
Les and I are pretty busy with work. He is now one of the senior staff in his division and under a great deal more pressure. My job is consuming but extremely impactful. We are living a pretty quiet life when we get home! Both girls were home for the holidays and it was so sweet. It struck me that those times are coming to a close. I am extremely lucky in that I got my heartfelt wish when they were young...that I would truly LIKE them when as women when they grew up. Still have our moments...but all in all, wow!
I started grad school yesterday for my MHA. Healthcare Law and Health Economics combined with an undergrad Stats course. So, I guess it will be some time before I post again!
Still, know that I do check in from time to time on LJ and can be reached most of the time by cell. Thinking of you all, fondly. Love...A