Supporting a non-profit I'd love to see succeed

Aug 27, 2008 10:29

Hi all my lovely friends on LJ. I seriously have not logged into this site in I'm guessing close to a year. Not that I don't want to know what's up in everyone's lives because I so do and I hope to find some more time soon to at least glance at LJ...time is always the limiting factor, isn't it? But in the meantime, I'm trying to support a friend and her non-profit, which in turn may one day help me out...

A friend of mine has started a non-profit called Patron of the Arts (POTA), which intends to provide free grants to filmmakers and artists in need of funding. As you can imagine, this non-profit could lead to some wonderful opportunities for myself and other struggling artists out there (damn, I want to quit my day-job more than ever, but that's another post, nay another journal, unto itself I think). POTA has made it to the final round of a competition to win a $20,000 start-up award. The winner is determined by the most votes received by this Sunday, August 31st. I very much want to see POTA succeed so I figured I'd ask any friends who might be like minded to vote for them. You do need to register at Ideablob to vote, but it takes about 30 seconds and the email received from the site is negligible (I think I get invited to vote once a month or something). Here's the link to vote and/or register then vote:

I miss you all as I always do!!! (well, except for those few west coasters I see every so often, who I only miss when I'm not seeing them:-) We're hoping to get to DC around the holidays this year, so I'll keep folks posted.
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