Comcast digital thingy

May 16, 2009 13:35

Here is info I hope will help the confused people about this digital thingy. Almost everyone has to get a box for their set.

Tips: make sure the digital box is of the newer, smaller variety. The first time for me, the guy tried to plug in the older, larger box. He tried three boxes, each rating at different level from poor, fair, to good. He replaced everything, cable, boxes etc. And I still got tiles on the screen. I was confused. i get cable just fine, why is the t.v. in the living room having a problem when my dad's set is just fine. Called in twice to set up an appointment. Finally got their attention and they sent me a more competent tech. Who discovered the problem was with the box, not the conneciton.

Bright side: Due to my multiple difficulties, the tech gave me 3 months worth of Starz movie chanle. I am happy now. I love movies, and am viewing on average one movie per day.

Anyway, if you guys are having problems (and I've heard of others having issues)it is probably the box.
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