Wow...It is really hard to believe that Balticon is only twenty days away!
This is a big one for us this year, Launching three books at once, with a spare. As always we will have a book launch party to celebrate. After all, it has become something of a Balticon Tradition. I do hope if you can attend the convention you will come help us celebrate, and if you can't, please do share the event details with your friends and anyone else you think might be interested. Here is the offiical press release, where you can find the relevant information:
HUNT VALLEY, MD Danielle Ackley-McPhail-in conjunction with Dark Quest Books, Mundania Press, Padwolf Publishing, and the Baltimore Science Fiction Society ( like to announce the upcoming release of the anthologies Bad-Ass Faeries 3: In All Their Glory (Mundania Press,, Dragon’s Lure (Dark Quest Books, and New Blood (Padwolf Publishing, Dubbed the Legendary Triple Launch, the book release will take place over Memorial Day weekend at Balticon,, one of the longest running science fiction conventions on the East Coast. As a bonus, Barbarians at the Jumpgate (also by Padwolf Publishing) will be releasing as well, though it is not an official part of the launch party.
The official Legendary Triple Launch party will be held Sunday, May 30th, from 7pm to 9pm in the Garden Room of the Hunt Valley Marriot. As a part of the festivities there will be refreshments, author readings, and a Chinese auction-style raffle featuring as grand prize a hand-sculpted dragon box by acclaimed artist Linda Saboe,
Why the Legendary Triple Launch? When asked, Ackley-McPhail replied, “There are three creatures of legend that fiction readers never seem to grow tired of reading about: Faeries, Dragons, and Vampires. Each of these anthologies takes one of those legends and gives the reader what they want…and so much more.”
While not all the contributors are able to attend, all three books will be well-represented by Danielle Ackley-McPhail, James Chambers, Elaine Corvidae, Keith R.A. DeCandido, John L. French, John Grant, Kelly A. Harmon, C.J. Henderson, Brian Koscienski, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Neal Levin, Jeffrey Lyman, Misty Massey, Jonathan Maberry, Bernie Mojzes, Thomas Nackid, Terri Osborne, Chris Pisano, Diane Raetz, T.L. Randleman, James Daniel Ross, David Sherman, Linda Saboe, Patrick Thomas, Jean Marie Ward, Robert E. Waters, D.C. Wilson, Vonnie Winslow Crist, and Anna Yardney.
To learn more about the launch event and to see a list of the raffle prizes please visit