11/6/09 - Where We're...Okay...Where I'M At

Nov 06, 2009 06:36

Sorry, I know, I've been slacking this week. Rushing around trying to get book stuff done as well as get ready for Faeriecon. On top of that Mailing Mahem required me to meet my publisher Neal Levin at a midway point for a prisoner exchange...he had my books and I had his bribe ;)

Just joking, LSI sent my books for the con to his address, but all is well and I now has stock of at least ONE faerie book for Faeriecon! Sadly, the Bad-Ass Faeries anthologies did not make it in time. I'll be really pissed if they show up...like...today! I still have stock of the old ones, but I was really hoping to get a jump start on sales.

Oh well...two launches coming up, and they will be logical companion books, so maybe that will help.

Anyway, hope to see some of you this weekend. The con is in Hunt Valley Maryland instead of Philadelphia, the way it was the last two years (can you say "Union")

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, visit www.faeriecon.com, and if you're in Maryland, come say Hi! It's is ironically being held at the Hunt Valley Marriot, where Balticon is held :) With me will be Bernie Mojzes, author of The Evil Gazebo, and Elaine Corvidae, author of way to many friggin' books for me to list ;) you can see all her titles at www.onecrow.net, or www.mundania.com.

See you soon!


bernie mojzes, elaine corvidae, bad-ass faeries, faeriecon, balticon, the halfling's court, neal levin, the evil gazebo, a bad-ass faerie tale, danielle ackley-mcphail

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