Hard to believe Balticon is just less than two weeks away! For those of you attending I'd like to remind you about our launch party for book two in the Defending The Future series, So It Begins. As an added bonus, we will also be launching Radiation Angels: The Key to Damocles, the long-awaited second novel by our contributor, James Daniel Ross.
All interested parties can find out more information at
http://www.mcp-concepts.com/books/promoSIB.htm, but to sum things up, on Sunday May 24th, from 7:30pm to 9:30pm in the Garden Room of the Hunt Valley Marriot the publisher, editor, and the majority of the contributors will be holding a launch party to celebrate the release of this wonderful new military science fiction anthology.
As always there will be food, drinks, and prizes.
In a bit of a twist this year, (due to constraints in the hotel agreement) we will be having appetizers, snacks and a dessert extravaganza rather than hot and meal type foods.
Another change is in our raffle, which will be held more in the manner of a Chinese auction, rather than the straight pick-a-ticket method we used in the past.
This year's grand prize is a cameo appearance in a future Lost Fleet novel, kindly donated by Jack Campbell. There are also a variety of there prizes to be had, including books, additional cameos, patches, and prizes donated by Griffon's Claw Armoury.
Contributors in attendance will be: Jack Campbell (John G. Hemry), Bud Sparhawk, David Sherman, John C. Wright, Mike McPhail, Patrick Thomas, Charles E. Gannon, Jeffrey Lyman, Tony Ruggiero, CJ Henderson, Jonathan Maberry, James Daniel Ross, and Danielle Ackley-McPhail
Hope to see you there!
Danielle Ackley-McPhail