Hello, this is a friend in need! :)
I've always wanted an iPod, and since I'm a broke graduate student, I don't know when I will be able to afford one; but I found a great way to get one: for free! A FREE IPOD, yes, I'm not joking, it's not a scam, check out
http://www.freeipodguide.com So here you come in the picture: helping me get a free iPod takes 5 minutes of your life, and gets you on the right track to GET ONE YOURSELF!
Here's all you have to do, in simple and easy steps:
- click on this link
http://www.freephotoiPods.com/?r=19290283 and sign up (it is vital that you use this link, and it takes 1 minute), and then complete an offer:
the best offer is the Stamps.com one: it takes 5 minutes, you sign up for a free trial that entitles you to free stamps (that you can print yourself) and other stuff for 4 weeks: when you sign up they ask you for your credit card number, which would be used at the end of the FREE trial period; so what you do is you sign up with your digits, fill everything out, then write down the 1-800 phone number you need to call in order to cancel your "subscription" and remember to call within 4 weeks, so that YOU DON'T GET CHARGED ANYTHING!
Automatically as you sign up for the Stamps.com offer, I get credit for it (I need 2 more people now!), and you will get your own offer completed, so you can start YOUR OWN FREE iPod QUEST! You will need to refer 5 friends and have them do the same, and you will get your free iPod!!!
Please please please HELP ME! If you need more explanations and/or guidance through this, just e-mail me back! All you need is to be 18 years of age, living in the US and with a credit card (that will NOT get charged if you cancel your subscription on the phone!)
Thank you in advance,
PS: I will send you pictures of it as soon as I get it, so that you believe me and can do it for yourself! :)
PPS: another person I know that lives here just got hers in the mail this past weekend...