Jun 24, 2003 20:02
Somebody please explain this to me...I called the American (Stupid) General Consulate in Milan to make sure that I had everything I need to submit to apply for an F-1 visa...and, while the lady I talked to a week or two ago said it wouldn't have taken longer than 10 working days, the lady on the phone today said that it might now take way longer than 10 working days for them to issue my visa...and that she couldn't guarantee they would issue it at all!!! I'm like..."Are you fucking kidding me???" Come on, I've got serious stuff to think about, not just virtual terror alert crap!!!
"What do you mean you don't know if they will issue my visa???"
"Well...with the new rules and stuff...they are going to interview every visa applicant...and there's a lot this time of the year...but they are probably gonna call you to make an appointment...and if you pass it, you might get your visa right away."
Wait, wait a second...do you mean they're fucking interviewing every single applicant??? What's that??? An interview??? Are they gonna expect me to say I'm against their filthy-greedy-militaristic-capitalistic-ignorant-moralistic government??? Are they expecting that people would really tell them what they think??? I mean, how are they supposed to find out??? A fucking interview??? What is this, the Inquisition Court??? Are we fucking in 2003 or still in 1200??? Come on!!!
Oh, the other awesome thing is that they won't let you talk to any real person on the phone unless you call a number that costs fucking €1.57/minute (+ taxes)!!! Otherwise, you just get automated messages that make you dial keys according to what you wanna listen to...just listen though...what a great service, huh?!? This is supposedly the most advanced country...great!!! What are they gonna make us pay in the future, the air we fucking breathe?!?!? And of top of all that, of course this ridiculously expensive phone number service is managed by CableCom which, if I'm not wrong, is one of the biggest phone corporations on the planet...probably second only to AT&T! What a great world awaits me!!!