The last week has been nothing but ups and downs for me. I can go from one day, perfectly happy while catching up on
The next I'll be so stressed that it isn't even funny. Keeps things interesting though, but being back at Hogwarts is a wonderful thing. Last night was the first real good night of sleep I've had in ages, and I'm sorry for looking like the living dead at breakfast. Purely unintentional I assure you all.
Mil, I would love to walk by the shores of the lake with you...we have much to talk about. I also have to type up this potions essay that's been in my satchel for an age now, and hanging over my head like a deranged storm cloud.
Disposed of two Fizgig / Jizfuck offspring by incendio. The spell performs remarkably well, as does the disposal of the ashes out the window. The only downside is the extremely distasteful smell of
Edit: Droobles gum melted in my bag and it's screwed up my typing. This is going to take longer than I had at first intended.
I'm sorry I could not have this in on Tuesday Professor Snape, I couldn't find the time to type it. What with running all over, and attending the funeral and all. I wrote it around 1am, in my grandmothers closet with a flashlight to escape my evil siblings. Thank Merlin I will have graduated before they can attend Hogwarts!
Potions Lev. 6
Period D
Michael Corner
The Polyjuice Potion
After reading numerous texts on this potion, from its ingredients, usage and history, recordings and invention, I have found the most helpful explanation located in ”Moste Potente Potions” on page 526, Quoted: ”The Polyjuice potion was created through the experimentation of one Doctor Padraig Mac Bhride, after his long studies on the shifting qualities of fluxweed and lacewing flies. The potion, if brewed properly (lacewing flies stewed for 21 days, leeches added at midnight, powdered bicorn horn sifted in over a three-hour period, knotgrass in tiny bundles, fluxweed picked at full moon, boomslang skin, and a hair, or fingernail of the person the brewer wishes to transform into.)
This potion, soon following its creation has been addressed by the Ministry, as transforming into another can be used for both good and malicious intent. Madam Pince is required by law to keep the book containing its recipe in the Restricted Section with many others of varying degrees of danger. At one time this potion could be brewed by the talented and used for things ranging so far as games, but it has many downsides. It is extremely difficult to complete exactly as directed, and one slip could cause results far from those expected.
One such case dates back to 1938, where a witch by the name of Celestine Marlin was to do a performance upon stage and would need to slip into another persona for the duration of 45 minutes. Her potion, however, was not brewed correctly and she was locked between her original self and that of her subject, who was male. This is one of the most serious incidents recorded, and the book leaves note that there are others kept to the ministry files, never to be released to the public. This incident alone is enough to convince me of the severity of the potion, and experimentation is not something I would care to try on my own.
There are also many benefactors of this potion, and it is used freely with a license, earned under Ministry observation of the brewers’ capabilities in performing the task successfully. This law, however, has not stopped the black marketing of this potion, but they work diligently to make it so. Asides from such nefarious behavior there are those who can utilize this potion in the aide of others. In one instance, Aurors used this potion to replicate themselves as the very people who they fought against, the Death Eaters of the Dark Lord to rescue one of their own from his grasp.
The Polyjuice Potion has the limitations of only being effective for one hour, but this can be defeated by carrying excess potion on ones person, drinking of it before the hour is up. One case of this happened very recently, within the walls of Hogwarts, in the form of Barty Crouch Jr. a known and convicted, thought dead, Death Eater. His impersonation of one Alastor Moody was pulled off to such perfection that his detection failed until the very end of the year, and he aided in the rising of the Dark Lord.
Polyjuice Potion has many claims to its usefulness, or mal intent. It can swing both ways, much as people are capable, and does that not give it lifelike tendencies of its own? It could save a life, and end a life. Do people not do the same, perhaps as seemingly thoughtless as the potion itself is not capable of thought? How many people will take this potion, use it for ill or good, and how many will suffer for it, or gain? No one can tell but time, and time itself is much the same in that respect. Can be both ill, and used to benefaction.
I hope it meets expectations Professor.
Aaaaaaand on another note, I demand to know the person responsible for this photo!