Apr 21, 2011 06:57
Yesterday I complained that I was tired. Some folks immediately thought that I was not getting enough sleep. Well maybe so but I'm tired of a lot of things. I'm tired of people getting rich off of me and people like me and none of the wealth trickling down. I'm tired of phone calls from collection agencies trying to squeeze out the insane amount of copay from me that I can't afford because I'm not valued by my employer enough. And I'm tired of feeling guilty about being tired from that because I know there are others out there worse off than I am. I'm tired of our military being a cheap security force for the goddam oil companies. I'm tired of all the fucking religious rhetoric going on about how queers are ruining this country and undermining our morals. I'm tired from being overworked at home because of the PTSD that my partner is suffering because of this damn "rape culture" that we live in. I'm tired of people getting rich off of my mother's and other's like her's suffering. I'm tired of seeing good honest people who are high school graduates that can't even find Canada on a map. I'm tired of having to shrug all this off because I'm so busy trying to stay alive, I don't have any resources to help.
I once heard, that sometimes a hero, is someone who is oppressed enough, tired enough, and hungry enough to no longer give a damn about what's going to happen to him if he takes action. The rich corporations, that the rich appointed Supreme Court ruled were "people", need to take heed. There's a lot of folks out there who are very soon going to not give a damn. When they overthrow the system, and they will, they'll be coming for you. Not your paid lackey's in Congress. They'll come for you. You better have lots of guns. Because there's a lot more of them then there is of you.