Jan 31, 2010 22:39
Cybercookie for whoever gets the reference in the title, prolly a free gift icon? I want to start making some with GIMP as soon as possible. Can't rely on others to do dirty work all the time!
I now get to explain to people about having voices in my head at work, thanks to the new headsets 50% of the staff have to wear. There was no buffering period either, but I swear I'll get used to it! I saw a former coworker after my shift the other day. :>
CoX is still going relatively well since I'm active on two servers (Tri and Virtue). No luck on the Trisortion yet and it's a game of tag to get into the SG I want on Virtue, but I'm not giving up. 8 characters now in total, but when does it turn into an alt-syndrome?
Enough talking for now.
city of heroes,