past is present.

Mar 14, 2014 02:27

Shivering, a silent gap

entombed by the faltering hand

mixing the sigils in the dark

like forgotten tokens of past

rewritten cut like black ice

smoldering twisted iron,

a symbol of one inner self

/never gone.

Always shifting beneith the skin


drinking mixed inks

and spewing out these

vieled curtains, busted windows

a skull turned in on itself

moving to turn these songs

into cohesive adhesive

sticking to our flesh,

slipping across raw wounds

like oil over glass.

This dance is done

exhumed connected

addressed by the shifting

one to two to eleven

a raw burning shivering

in the depths of recurrent condition

a broken prism, swaying pendulum

abstracted by the disconnectedisconnected

eyes glassed by the sound

that makes pictures, makes sentences

makes stories

from soot and damaged remnants

of energy turned over

in its grave.

There is a passion, a self

destruction of former,

a step into the present,

constructed of past falling

through empty space,

those gaps between words,

those silences

we could never say the right thing

what is right

when the world has fallen

and everything is left

to squander its

hidden wealth.

A small face hidden

a mask of chipped porcelean

a dwindling smoke

they evaporate as they are spoken

in hot breath and sharp sparks

like cross inflicted wire

the ressurection of mindful


upon the current of current

beliefs disbelieving

that this is the state of things

the way we love to like

each other,

but tend to hate ourselves.

The perfection portrayed is unattainable

we are flawed

beautiful with our scars

pale and unfading.




There is nothing here, on your screen

that has right to dictate,

there is nothing in those words

that can tell you who-you are


There is only conncetion,

the feeling within the cavernous

interior of fuel

burning and burning

put it to use,

lest it burn you out.

There are vast minds, worlds

of confliction, of missing

birds in flight,

there is a myraid of views

torn apart and placed together

side by side

we are complexity, made to change

made to find

those flames within ourselves

made to walk our paths

without reference to 'what is beautiful

and what is not'

taste the self,

taste the self

and find those inner shows

of meaning

of passion

of darkness



do not hide yourself

from yourself

do not cover and conceal

the breaks that made you

the strength gifted

in following nothing

through dust and distress

these pathways through the mind

this waste, this grace

traveling to time.

'a jester with a busted lip'
a torn photograph printed
and sleeping sideways
slipping downhill
where is the drain
to collect our disinterest
and refashion, rekindle
the birth we bear
whether words or brushstrokes,
a mangled collage
of reminders
that what we walk forwards
the brightness, caught like slivers
in our eyes,
in just the right time
to give off sparks..


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