Jan 13, 2007 09:52
This keeps fucking happening on my computer!!! ....
Problem caused by Device Driver
You received this message because a device driver installed on your computer caused the Windows operating system to stop unexpectedly. This type of error is referred to as a "stop error." A stop error requires you to restart your computer.
More information
Problem report summary
Problem type
Windows stop error (a message appears on a blue screen with error code information)
Solution available?
What does this problem mean?
Windows has encountered a problem it cannot recover from and it needs to be restarted
Computer symptoms
A message appears on a blue screen with error code information (for example: 0x0000001E, KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED)
Additional steps for you to take
Please continue to send problem reports so analysts at Microsoft can study and try to correct the problem as quickly as possible