Let Justice Be Done - Q & A

May 14, 2008 11:24

Fanfiction: Let Just Be Done
Fandom: Gundam Seed/Destiny
Rating: T
Pairings: Athrun/Cagalli, Shinn/Stellar, Kira/Lacus, Dearka/Miriallia, Yzak/Shiho, etc. 
Full Summary:  AU - After five years of war, arranged marriages will seal peace between two kingdoms, but one nobleman will seek revenge for his late wife by marrying the woman he believes killed her.

Hello and thanks for reading.  I'd like to use this section to answer any questions that may arise after the 20 chapter fanfic is completed.    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them here.  You will get an answer sooner and others will benefit from reading your questions and the answers.  Thanks!

AUTHOR'S NOTES on Chapter 20:

Good God, what was I on?  I don't think I wrote it as well as I could've, though in my head, it's much more dramatic then I seem to have typed it out to be.  This chapter ended up a lot longer than I initially planned it to be, but I had to insert things overlooking different characters so everything could be tied together.  From Kira's rush to Plants to deliver his message to Mayu's escape from the Durandal Estate and back to Athrun angsting with Shinn, all those those served to feed into the moment where Cagalli's actions that night in the border was revealed with Athrun.

So...who was the one that revealed it to Athrun?  The answer - Rusty.  While indirectly, it was from Rusty's mouth that Athrun heard it.

Now, picking through the scenes, I have some qualms as I think the flow buckles a bit at times.  Though, I did enjoy writing Shinn and Cagalli's confrontation.  Shinn is just all over the place here.  A large, purposely omitted scene was Athrun's brooding in his room, where he finally decides he can't kill Cagalli.  He wants to tell Shinn and apologize to him because he knows ow that will affect his relationship with the younger man.

As for Cagalli knowing, I had told you she knows what she's doing.  She was fully aware of the risk she ran and was in a sort of state of denial about how Athrun felt for her.  Still, somewhere deep down, she knew he loved her and wouldn't hurt her.  Odd?  Well, no one ever said love makes complete and utter sense.  :)

As for the couples left unaccounted for: YS, DM, KL, SS...I do plan to write a sequel which will be listed under Yzak and Shiho has characters, though some of the other pairings will also be included.  Especially DM.

Also, I had changed the ending twice.  Nothing big, just the final words.  If you caught the update as soon as I posted it, you probably read "welcome home", which was changed, five minutes later, to "I couldn't wait".  Both fit, so pick your ending. :)

PS - If there are no questions or comments, that's totally cool, too.  :D Thanks for reading, everyone!

If you have a question or comment that you would like answered on the reviews page on ff.net, please remember to login or leave an email address where I can reply to you.  Honestly, guys, do keep up.  I admit, I find it rather irritating when comments and critique, especially long ones, are left and I can't reply.  I feel it's rude.

Anyway, I took some time and combed over the reviews, trying to find questions and comments to address.  I hope this covers most of the stuff you guys asked.  ^_^

Is there a sequel?

Yes, there will be a sequel, though it will not be AsuCaga.  While it will contain AxC, it will mainly focus on Shiho & Yzak and Miriallia & Dearka.  KiraLacus will be thrown in there, too, but it will will mainly mention the other two pairings.  Under the character selections drop down box, Shiho and Yzak will be selected.

When will you post the sequel?

Either late June or early July; definitely after FanimeCon.  I'm doing AA this year and I'll need time to recover afterwards.

I'm going to take a break first.  :)

Will you write another AxC soon?

I have no idea.  I have a lot of time constraints right now with the convention coming up, another convention to attend in July, and a wedding I'm part of in August.  Plus I have an unfinished novel I should get back on.

Spelling & Grammar

Typing speed = 100+ wpm, 10K words in 6-8 hours (I don't update for a week or more because I procrastinate most of the time), no beta, one quick read-through and lazy spell check:  do not expect anything I write to be more than random brain dribble.  I also tend to just stop sentences in the middle of one, depending on where my train of thought is going.

On the part where Cagalli asked Shinn "didn't anyone tell you?" (confrontation in in the final chapter), didn't Cagalli tell Miguel not to tell anyone about their conversation before?

She isn't referring to her talk with Miguel in the stables while in Orb.  She's referring to the incident that night on the border.  She's asking Shinn if anyone told him what happened that night, after it happened.  Didn't Rusty or Miguel tell him the actual events?  Didn't he ask them about what exactly happened?  That sort of thing.

Stellar's name at the ball's announcement - why Loussier & not Athha?

At the reception ball in the final chapter, most people are expecting an "Athha".  In order to avoid confusion (like what happened with Rusty mistaking her for Athrun's wife earlier), she has them use Loussier.

Shinn x Stellar?  Where it at?

There will be slight Shinn x Stellar in the sequel (hopefully) :).

The ending was rushed.

Yes, yes it was.  The day I was finishing it, I was pressed for time at work at at home.

Have Cagalli & Athrun done "it"?

I'll leave that up to your imagination.  ^_^

My perception of "artistically challenged" in how Cagalli claims to be so despite playing the violin well.

I apologize if I was unclear.  I should have been more specific on which branch of art I was referring, too.  It was referring to crafts and standard studio arts.  Though, if you read carefully, you'll notice that Cagalli considers her one artistic saving grace her violin playing.  It is just that compared to the others, who seem to excel with things  and generally seem more 'feminine' than she does, she feels somewhat inferior.  You should also take note how everyone else's particular artistic skill is mentioned as showcased (in books or a contest or display of some sort) somehow, while Cagalli is more reserved about her playing.  It is acknowledged that she is an excellent musician, however, she rarely plays in public and uses it as a sort of stress reliever.

As someone who can play things by ear on a clarinet, writes, does studio art, crafts, & design, and sews, I still personally consider myself  "artistically challenged", as I'm not satisfied with my abilities.

Whoo...that was a bit of stuff.  I'll try to answer more and update as they come in. :D  Thanks for reading!

gundam seed, info post

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