Jul 20, 2006 17:02
well as i said before moved back in with the parents well they think i have but ive stayed out every night for the last 5 weeks, once again got a boyfriend, somethings never change . saying that been with him for 6 weeks so its not a usual 2 week job lol . my drinking has got worse im drunk every singld night it wouldnt surprise me if i am an alcoholic, the worst of it i have took to drinking lambrini but im being a good girl. ie im drinking it indoors as a pose to drinking it on a street corner but its still no excuse for drinking tht crap. for once im still unemployed thats really gettin to me as never been unemployed for more than three weeks since i was 15 but ive broke that now as i havent had a job for a month and a half unless you count being a drag queen in cassidys as a job well i suppose it was i did get paid for it which made a change to when i last worked there. that didnt work out though as there was too much bitching and backstyabbin from another drag queen i had the upper hand though as the owner thought i had more flair and looked better than him in drag. the worst of it if u look on their website im still down as a drag queen member of staff www.desirez.tk then click on drag queens page im miss cinder fella and u will see how much worse the other one is but there again im not much better.... the boyfriend 6ft 2 lovely lad and generally everything else is good that goes along with it. im still goin with the whole blonde hair thing im surprised my hair hasnt fell out ive bleacherd it 42 times in the last 2yrs i should be bald by now but i dont even have a receeding hairline or anything so its all good, well my dears signing off now ciao Antony xxxx