It MaKeS mE wOnDeR wHy AnYoNe WoUlD tAkE tHe TiMe To MaKe SoMeThInG ThAt LoOkS ThIs ShItTy. I pRoMiSe YoU WiLl NeVeR SoMeThInG LiKe ThIs FrOm Me AgAiN.
Everything is great. I know if you look at all this "one year after Katrina" bullshit you probably think I live in some third world country. lol. I hate saying this b/c I'm soooo not a racist person, but what America is getting of New Orleans, is the lower class community which consists mostly of African Americans who were sucking our systems dry BEFORE Katrina, and are only gonna try to get more out of it now that they're "victims". New Orleans is SUCH a fabulous place, and it EURKS me that they are trying to ruin it. And I just LOVE how people point out "the lower ninth ward" as some place that is just heartbreaking b/c nothing has been fixed yet. First of all, it was never good to begin with. It was the g-h-e-t-t-o. Those houses weren't suited to be lived in BEFORE katrina. So why the hell are people worried about saving them now? Ohhh yeah, because they dont want to have to work! They were comfortable in the overcrowded houses that have been passed down through generations of their families who let those houses fall apart one by one. That way they had a place to live without rent or mortgage, and could just suck the blood out of our tax money that goes into welfare and food stamps. So, please, if you hear people talking about New Orleans, let them in on a little secret: If another hurricane comes, it will only help flush out MORE of the trash that was there to begin with. *stepping off the soapbox*
sorry I went off, but it just kind of came spilling out. Other than that, my life is fantastic. I have a WONDERFUL boyfriend and awesome job. Don't think I could ask for more. What about you?
*stepping off the soapbox*
sorry I went off, but it just kind of came spilling out. Other than that, my life is fantastic. I have a WONDERFUL boyfriend and awesome job. Don't think I could ask for more. What about you?
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