So, maybe I haven't treated this thing like a journal in long time... I guess that we are all guilty of that sometimes with all the posting of on line Quizzes, song lyrics, user polls, etc (or maybe that's what people really would write in journals... I don't know). However, I have never really been an author/writer type to the point that I feel compelled to write my thoughts out(at least in any kind of relevant, readable depth). Random related tangent: I wonder why authors/writers haven't come up with any fancy titles besides writer/author... maybe wordsmith. I was thinking about it for some reason, and they can describe, for example, a single sunset a thousand different ways. But have never come up with a term that elegantly describes their profession. I don't know... it is very possible that I am retarded. Getting back on topic, I felt like writing a little bit tonight. Who knows?
I suppose I'll just write what comes to mind, starting with the radio show. I took a radio class this term with a friend and now we're on the union county air waves (I guess there is a web broadcast channel/url too). Which is cool, not to mention a blast hanging out in the studio. We can burn anything we want from a selection of like tens of thousands of CDs, so I'll have to get on that soon. We just got our hands on the new 2-disc, Red Hot Chili Peppers CD. It's pretty awesome, so keep an eye out for that. My handle is "DJ Red-Eye" (my show is from 12:00am - 3:00am) along with JJ as "DJ Jealousy." We just hang out on the air, surf through tons of music, and mock local/ current events. In fact, I knew some friends were listening last night, and dedicated Boyz II Men's "I'll Make Love To You" to my friend Nick. He told it really messed him up. I use it as an opportunity to be as immature as possible. It's a pretty sweet deal. That's one part of this term I really actually enjoy.
Next on my mind is my sister's graduation. I can't believe my little kid sister isn't so little anymore, I guess it's just that older, over-protective brother mentality in me trying to keep her young. She walks on the 9th, and gets a diploma from BSH with the rest of the 2006 class... crazy. Seems like just yesterday I was a senior, hanging out in living room with the BSH crew, playing video games and talkin' shit about bangin each other's mom's and coming up with the most offensive jokes imaginable (we were asses come to think of it)... all the while she was having her friends stay the night and they were watching those girlie pre-teen movies, listening to Backstreet Boys & N'Sync, and talking about middle school drama. It's crazy how quick things change without one even noticing it, and how rapidly time passes before you realize that months have become years.
Moving on, Josh and I have been kicking ass on the website. We're getting our first check, for right around $107. Not to mention the overwhelming support we've seen from our users, people thanking us for what do and wishing us well. That's a great feeling after how much time and energy we've put into it. We have very promising statistics and a growing number of people who asking about working for us. So hopefully that trend continues.
I must be getting older, because I have come to realize over the past 3-4 years that my parents are totally different people than I have always seen them as. I find myself wanting hang out them more and more (we're really close for those of you who don't know me well), and seeing them more of some kind of ultra caring best friend, rather than parents (I don't feel I'm explaining that as well as I could, but I know what I mean).
Well, tons more on the mind... but I'm getting sick of typing and staring at the computer. You are probably ready for me to wrap it up, if you are even still reading this. I am thinking if I still have this type of stuff on my mind over the next couple of days... I might have one or two more similar updates like this in the near future.