Jun 18, 2009 04:43
There's only A, B, C, & D, where D is me
D isn't used to people like A so trying not to piss off A leads to doing it anyway which causes tension amongst A, B, C, & D. D thought A only tried for the sake of A's friendship with C who loves D. Unbeknownst to D, who should have picked up on it, A truly wanted to be friends with D. D misunderstood pretty much everything which screwed up so much else.
D is now afraid, because D now knows more than D did before but should have seen, that any friendship with A is ruined. D doesn't know how to fix it and thinks that, more than likely, cannot be fixed. D is used to rebuilding bridges that have been knocked down by storms, but doesn't know how to go about fixing a burned bridge when all that remains is smouldering ashes and scorched wood and rope, being B and C.
Apologizing to A seems pointless because there's nothing to stand on but D's enlightenment of everything, which is no physical thing. And even if it could be, and A & D pick up somewhere down the road, that bridge is Rome.
I've fucked up so much and there's only me to blame.