Happy Very Late New years everyone! ^_^
Hope everyone is having a great start to 2010!
Sorry I've been so busy with work and the holidays.
I met to blog where earlier, but Ive been so busy
with work. I'm a medical billing assistant. I've been
working crazy overtime with winter being flu season.
In Anime Expo news:
Anime expo posted:
Jan 5:
"Back by popular demand with even more entertainment punch MASQUERADE!
Stay tuned for a 2010 theme announcement & fan surprise!"
Jan 9:
" A quick note to say.... THANK YOU to our fans.
You are the driving force behind Anime Expo.
We appreciate your support and your love for AX."
In Hetalia News:
Funimation announced yesterday that they acquired rights to the Hetalia anime!
There has also been some talk about Tokyopop maybe getting the manga version of Hetalia
Still excited about season 3 and the upcoming movie! ~_^
In other anime news:
Gintama has a new ending theme song with this week's episode, (episode 190)
I have yet to see the episode yet. Plan on watching it sometime this weekend.
The new ending is cute, but I enjoyed ending 15 more. Also upcoming movie!
Gintama ending 16
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