You don't get any credit for simply posting a link in your blog. You need to share a part of yourself. That's the whole reason why the internet was created. Shame on you.
And with respect to the contents of the link: It's not the kids that are fucked up, it's the teachers who are unethical in their treatment, much like B. F. Skinner, the behavioral "scientist" who experimented on his own kids. Please insert link to "Lord of the Flies" here.
And you stole it from Christ with no credit, and this is the least Randian thing possible. Its totally Orwellian, with the kids being totally controlled and brainwashed. There are no heros who fight their oppressive teachers, nor and demented representations of sexual power.
Comments 5
And with respect to the contents of the link: It's not the kids that are fucked up, it's the teachers who are unethical in their treatment, much like B. F. Skinner, the behavioral "scientist" who experimented on his own kids. Please insert link to "Lord of the Flies" here.
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