Tribute to Mike because it is the 1 month anniversary of his death

Dec 13, 2004 20:41

hey everyone, i told u guys that it was coming so here it is. i've been happy and sad all day. i've been sad and missing him when i'm alone, but when i am with u guys, it makes everything seem better. so, thanks to all of u!!!!! so here is my tribute to him!!!
Mike -- you were a good friend and we're never going to forget you. We'll miss u. I wish we were closer . RIP :(
* Dec. 13, 2003*

RIP Mike F-- you were an awsome friend and im never going to forget you. I love you and miss you * Dec. 13, 2003*

Understand that friends come and go, but for the precious few you should hold on because u never know when they will be gone.

Hey, Lauren told me to E-mail you, so I did! Yay! Anyway, whats been up? I haven't talked to you in what seems like forever. Well, I really don't have much else to say, nothing has really changed in my life as of late LOL, soo I hope to hear from you soon! Bye!

ILMOMaxAndCappy: she says she still cares and that she wishes she was aloud to talk to u and she misses you alot
Shotgun MikeF: tell her i sed thats sweet, and i do miss her too, and i wish we could talk too, and i still care too lol, but we cant, and i guess thats really all there is to it. if you're allowed to email me please do, or you could jsut have a friend talk to me for you, but yes, id love to get back in touch -Mike
see i told u he cares!

*RIP* *Mike* *Dec 13 2003* *I miss you more each day, but my love remains strong. I know you are always with me.*
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