
Jun 02, 2006 17:24

Contemplating my repeated failed attempts to keep my vows or actualy make myself do anything I want to/plan on lately. Always have excuses and resons to procrasinate and put things off. Left feeling like i'm banging my head against a wall in an attempt to break through it. Why can't I make myself do stuff? Am I really just a useless lazy bum? Why always take the easy way out of things? It is very rarely the best way . . .

I wish there were more time. I love playing computer games, I love doing things with friends, I love walking through parks, I love holding my son, I love holding my wife, I love holding my cats. . . I am not satisifed with how much time I have, or rather don't have to do any of these things, days just seem to go by in a blur, or is this just another excuse for being too lazy to do what I really want.*sigh*
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