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Oct 09, 2007 10:53

talk about an amazing weekend.
we left on saturday instead of friday.
so we got to cape cod and went to the beach had homecooked food!! relaxed on a swing on the water. everyone napped while i worked on my psychology paper. we went shopping and out for pizza that evening.
on sunday we went to provincetown where i spent the most money in one day since getting to college, but i got two records, a walt whitman used book of poetry and fiction, post cards, gifts (it was all worth it).
monday we came home and i took two naps, got free stuff outside because of some marathon and then got PISSSED off because the Yankees ruined my happiness. we're out. again. fuck. torre is a gonner. i'm so frustrated, my friend's dad said he would get us tickets for the LCS if it was sox/yanks too!!GRRR.
anyway today i have a paper due, and an open mic.
friday i have another paper due, and free tickets to an improv.
i love not spending money... so transportation, food, lodging, gifts, souvenirs, etc for the 3-day weekend was probably $70.
now to wallow in misery, and hopefully work off some of that frustration at the gym, because it's a monday schedule.
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