May 16, 2004 14:35
Saw Troy. Eh. The music was all wrong. Timing awful. Orlando had the concerned look, Eric and Brad the scowl, and Peter the shocked eyes look. They spoke, did their look, and moved on. Hector was my favorite in the Illiad makes sense I like him in the film. He is an actual character compared to the architypial cardboard cutouts. I agreed with Samir, it was very forced and lacked soul. I just never got why they fought. They kept talking about all the fatherless families and solider deaths but I never really cared about the characters so their loss didn't affect me. In ROTK, I cried during the battle scenes for the families of all the dead. Good films make you care, Troy did not. Anyway, still enjoyable and worth the cash but not amazing. I think I am going to spend my whole summer in the theater.