Jan 10, 2009 05:16
I think my baby may just like black people.
She can definitely pick out Stevie Wonder. It started at the concert, when she kicked like crazy - the first major kicking session (though I'd felt her before then) - during Higher Ground and Superstition, specifically. Since then, anytime Stevie Wonder comes on the radio - once in a restaurant, once in Michael's - she kicks like a little ninja. The only other music she's kicked for so far is James Brown.
Yesterday in the car on the way to work, we were listening to Obama's latest press conference (isn't it nice to have a President that can speak in full sentences? I just want to record that feeling for posterity before I begin to take it for granted). While Obama was speaking, kick kick kick! Hard, too! Then the second Panetta or Blair spoke, or one of the journalists, she would quit. Not even one little budge.
Is likely she just likes Obama's deeper, more reverberating voice, but I'm going to go with my baby is already color blind and is likely to save the world with her vast capacity for love and tolerance, ok?