That was a very...enlightening experience. Wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Right. When I said to 'be adventurous', THAT is exactly what I was not suggesting. Prime example. Don't. Just don't.
[Private = Information deadlock sealed]
Something very off is going on in this city. I will find out what it is. For now... that town will have to wait.
It's good to have a brain full of stuff again. Maybe now I can really start to take a good look at this city. That town...
I've been running about with my head filled so full of things, thinking and fiddling and knowing. So many facts and tales, time and space and languages and all those wonderful books and songs, everything stuck up here in this big old brain of mine... even the memories... Oh, yes, sure, there were times when I wished... No. Of course not. I wouldn't be me with out all those things clattering around up there.
How does anyone survive with that limited bit of chaos banging and buzzing about like angry wasps in their head.
Right then, lots of work to be done.
I am sorry, to any of my students who were unaware. UH101 has been canceled, indefinitely. You all get full marks for the course.