Universal History 101 - Class and Field Trips

Nov 29, 2010 23:07

Thank you.
Alright kiddos, here's how things work when it comes to the doctors classes and field trips. YES I am aware this makes something like a million posts on this subject from me in 2 days. I'm sorry!

This post will be linked to in every class/field trip post in case you ever want it for reference.

Universal History 101 - The Class

Every Wednesday The Doctor has his class from '12:15 to 2:15'
These times don't really mean much except that I will be most active online on Wednesdays during this time frame.
I will post a sort of (brief) summary of the topic of discussion from that class on The Doctor's journal.
Feel free to ask me to clarrify anything either on the journal (ic as the student, ooc as the mun) or on AIM (Trueorangewolf)

What is done with these posts is up to you guys. You can log in them, read them, ask me questions, ask The Doctor questions, or whatever you like. How active you, as 'students' are, determines what comes out of the class posts. And it doesn't have to be Wednesday either. You can always go back and pester the post and I will check on them.

Topics of class will cover various points of the universe and the way events in one areas history can affect the future. Etc etc. Time Lord crazy talk. He may touch briefly on Time travel, the time vortex, and quantum rifts, but topics such as these are mainly reserved for the Time And Relative Dimensions In Space Class (They wouldn't let him call it wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff class).

At the end of this post, there will be a short note about the next field trip and where it will be to.

For more information on the class or to register SEE THE COURSE SYLLABUS HERE

tl;dr version: Wednesday posts from The Doctor describe the class from that day. Post in it if you want, or read it over and use the info as you like.

Universal History 101 - The Field Trips

Field trips will always be posted as logs to the cityofdesai .

What is done with these posts is up to you guys. How active you, as 'students' are, determines what comes out of the field trips. Plotting with me is always welcome and I will always let you know at least a week in advance when the field trip will be posted and where they are going, usually through the Class posts. I know everyone has lives so please don't freak out if a field trip you really wanted your character to go on takes place on a day you can't log. You can always go back to the post and I will check on them and happily log with you!

I promise to do my best to make the Field Trip posts descriptive enough for you to get a clear idea of where they are and what will be going on around them. If you aren't sure/have questions ASK ME and in general just go with whatever you feel good about. Honestly these logs are supposed to be interesting and fun so get a little crazy if you like. They will be going to OTHER PLANETS after all.

No matter how long the field trip itself lasts, The Doctor will always bring students back to two hours after they left

If logging isn't your thing, use the log to get an idea of what happened on the field trip, then use that as you wish

tl;dr version: cityofdesai field trip logs for this class are like little mini player run plots from The Doctor. Post in it if you want, or read it over and use the info to make a post of your own talking about the field trip.

Field Trips the class will be going on: 
Represents locations in Desai
Represents locations not in Desai
History and Science Museum of Desai
The Mall
Nun Stadium
China Town
Cinema West
The Starlight Café
Aperture Science Laboratories, No. Just, No.
     +Spain - 15th Century (The Earth is Round)
     +London - 18th Century
     +London - 21st Century
     +Central City - 28th Century
The Morok Space Museum
The Library

Please feel free to comment on this post at any time with how you think classes are going or how you think I can improve them. Anonymous commenting is enabled, comment screening is on and ip logging is off.

reference post, ooc, universal history 101

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