Book Recommendations Meme!
There has been a lot of talk about books lately, and I think people would appreciate some recs. Especially if they want to get into a new genre and have no idea where to start. We could help each other out!
01: Please get the word out and contribute to this meme as much as you can/like.
02: There will be no book bashing. If you don't like a rec just keep your mouth shut. That is, you are free to comment back to someone and discuss a book they recommend in a civil manner plz!
I'll make a comment for every genre I can think of and you can comment to that initial comment. Here are the links to the comments(in no particular order):
Fantasy Sci-Fi Mystery/Suspense Humour Art Childrens Crime(fiction) Crime(non-fiction) Horror Romance History Occult Biography Non-Fiction General Graphic Novels Erotica Comics(comic books) Manga Classic-must-haves Political interest Music Misc. Comment away!!