I couldn't pass up this fun--is it sad that this is the only thing I've posted on here my WHOLE semester? Stupid graduating semester, making me do all kinds of extra crap...
BTW, the literature selection completely blew--they didn't have any of my favorite Dickens novels OR even Orient Express by Chrisite! LAME.
Better Than It Sounds Meme!!!
Pick 10 movies/anime/video games/literary works, post their summaries from Better Than It Sounds, and have your friends guess
1. Cop gets run over and wakes up in 1973. His boss is a misogynistic, racist homophobe, the main character may or may not be hallucinating everything, and he's being stalked by Sadako's English cousin. Life on Mars
cranberrysheep 2. A woman with a cheating husband, a domineering mother, and serious self-esteem issues figures out how to solve all her problems with the help of her imaginary friend from childhood. Drop Dead Fred
cranberrysheep 3. Historical Sit-Com, in which every generation of a charismatic but extremely unlucky man's family both looks the same and possesses the same name, as does almost everyone else he encounters. Each man is unfortunate enough to be surrounded by half-wits, incompetents and lunatics, and is waited upon by a servant whose standards of personal hygiene are barely human at best. Blackadder
paradoxymoron 4. Puffball attacks penguin because he can't have any dreams. Kirby's Adventure
tehboypop 5. A young man uses a discontinued sports car to visit his children. Someone steals the car to get himself a sports almanac and then returns it. This changes all reality. Back to the Future II (TOO EASY!)
paradoxymoron 6. Foreign Legion defector, librarian and greedy man try stopping an undead adulterer from destroying the world. The Mummy. Discovered by NO ONE! Really guys? Tsk, tsk.
7. A bunch of nerds play practical jokes on each other and their professor, though the latter quickly becomes Serious Business. With the help of a super-smart hermit and copious amounts of popcorn, they save the day. Real Genius
paradoxymoron I GUESS I'll give it to you...
8. A duke learns that his best friend is a she. Twelfth Night
paradoxymoron 9. A rich snob plays matchmaker. Hilarity Ensues. Emma
cranberrysheep 10. Four students who hate each other live together. The Young Ones