Truly Disappointed

Nov 05, 2008 18:47

Our country took a step forward last night when electing the first African American as the Head of State - and then took a step backwards again when banning gay marraige in California. So I guess we're back where we started!

A man thanked me yesterday when he saw the 'No on 8' pin on my bag. Him and his husband were deathly afraid that there marraige earlier this year would completely unravel if Proposition 8 passed.

And it did. So what's this man going to do now? Wasted time, wasted money - down the drain. He has been told that he is not natural; that 'No good sir, you may not marry the one you love.'

I'm sure anyone who disagrees with me would flinch at the words "his husband." Being gay is a mystery, an abnormality to them. They have no experiance with it. They don't know what to expect.

But when you are gay, or when someone you love is gay, the 'air of mystery', the shroud, is lifted.

Because you learn that marraige has nothing to do with gender; marriage is about love, commitment and honor. If we start defining love by gender, then we get a 60% divorce rate.

And for all of those who voted against Prop 8 yesterday, purely because they knew it was wrong, I thank you.

One day when I'm older, and all this is over- prejudice a thing of the past - I will be proud to say that I voted no on prop 8.

gay rights proposition 8 bigotry civil r

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