May 04, 2007 16:18
I mean it really really really sucked.
This movie sucked so much that even being fomr a comic book it still made me want to leave the theater.
It sucked and it was long.
It was really really long.
I do not think you can understand without watching how long this movie is.
It is really long.
You have little idea how l,ong this movie it.
And silly.
I would suggest that someone find the writer(s) (probably a committy of exectives) and director and hit them with a brick wraped in a sock but from the amount of brain dammage they had to be suffering I think someone already did it.
Save yoru money the only good thign I can say about it is that my work paied for it. I do feel bad about that but at least not as bad as when work paied for us to see battel field earth (which was slightly worse).
spiderman 3,