Happy Birthday To Me...LOL

Feb 14, 2009 12:08

Well what started out a little iffy, ended up great! I dropped my iphone at the gym yesterday. Smashed the top of the screen. Phone still worked fine, all applications were fine. I didnt tell Ron hoping to figure something out. So this a.m. he's giving me my birhtday/valentines gifts. Open them now he says so we can go to the mall for returns. I did and felt really guilty and broke down and told him about my phone. He says let get to the mall. Long and short of it, the apple care guy says I'd have to buy a new one. I only said it fell off my desk. Never taking responsibility for anything LOL So I told him I'd be back after I talked to my husband and would be buying a new one I am sure. So I go out and right back in. He gets the other phone, and I am half whining that it happened on friday the 13th and today was my birthday isnt there something he can do? LOL he just handed me the new phone! I told him I wanted to hug him but shook his hand instead. I asked him if I could buy him a cape, since his apple care shirt said, "not all hero's wear capes" I was beyond elated! So Ron and I stopped and bought some new fishes. I am syncing my new iphone so I can go to the gym. A storm is really moving in, so no BBQ'ing and we dont dare actually go out to dinner on Feb 14th, learned that long ago. So I am splurging on Chinese food, I'll have leftovers for days!
I did exchange the work out gear Ron bought me, and well I'll keep the locket, its a little big, but he was so proud to tell me the fight he put up to get it at Macy's LOL
Anyway time for the gym!
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