Jan 20, 2009 05:28
And I am glad to be here for it. I wonder at these times what Mom would think. I know she would have been a Hillary supporter. But I sense she would be happy with the direction we are headed in now. I am recording the inauguration, since our school marching band will be there. I cant wait for them to get home on Thursday, a few of them are my workers at lunch. I am sure they'll have fun stories to share.
So JoAnne calls me yesterday, what are you doing she ask's, well I happen to be packing some ebay necklaces, so I tell her "ebay" shit she says you buying a boat? I say a boat? No not today. Well I guess our Dad bought a boat on ebay for 6000.00!!! Jo Anne is just fit to be tied, since he owes her money for some trips or something, I dont know I am the only one who never borrowed from family without paying back, and JoAnne borrowed from us years ago and never paid back, which Ron remembers even if he wont admit it. Anyway I have no idea what he is doing with a boat. He has no place to store it, its not a big boat, but he's never been a boater that I have seen in 35 years we've known him! I went over on Friday to help him start an ebay account, no not my fualt, he already had one from 1998! And a paypal that he remembered the password to so, he was all set up anyway. WTF? He told me he had to see some of his drafting tools to be able to stay retired. Ya really dam liar. I know it irks JoAnne that no one of us kids got 1 red cent from Mom, I didnt expect anything, but I know I did see Jo Annes name on an AARP policy, dont know what ever happened there, she might have gotten it and not told the rest of us so we didnt feel left out. She said she didnt. But of all of us kids she would have been the one that needed the help most. And she was closest to Mom. I dunno I am just glad we arent blood related, since when he does go, we wont have to worry about the bills he's left behind.
On the upside, I have offically lost 10 pounds! Its taken over a month, but dam its worth it! I do need to go another 10 and slow but sure I'll get there! I think its helped that I do more weights at the gym since my shoulder isnt giving me hell anymore. Now its time to get Kenneth on the right track. He is just about 6 3 and weighs 244! almost 40 pounds more than Ron! Ron stands at 6-5 and is almost to skinny. So just cutting out all soda and kool aide is my first step. The kid has never like to drink water for some reason. Thats all changing!
Well I am off to work!