Closed: Valentines and Werewolves (post-date Friday)

Feb 12, 2014 10:22

Where was she?

The day was getting darker, sky already less blue than it had been. If Sebastian had to have a word for it, he'd call it dusk. Any other day - and other night - this wasn't actually a problem. Tonight, though, was a full moon ( Read more... )

reid chambers, sabrina daley, third, full moon

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daleysabrina February 12 2014, 16:10:15 UTC
"Of course I know what day it is. How can I not?" she asked him, though it was clear from her tone that she was happy about it, the feeling swelling up inside of her as a precious reminder rather than a damning one.

Sabrina had always made it a point to disappear during this day, though her range was limited within the camp wards so Nolan always knew that she wasn't too far off. That didn't stop him from reacting in a similar fashion, most of the time simply annoying with how flighty she became, abandoning all her responsibilities for a little bit of personal freedom. But it was always too much for her to be around the others, their own energy coming out in different ways, most of the men wrestling and fighting to appease their aggression while the women fought it off to continue working, mothers going to great lengths to ensure their unturned children would be safe without them for the night.

Even though this was her brother and the perimeters had changed considerably, Bri was still unfazed by his worry. After all, she had been shifting just as long as he had-

"It's also Valentines Day. I was with Dean."


daleysebastian February 12 2014, 22:19:23 UTC
He hadn't needed a reminder, but get bright disposition served as a strong reiteration of the spectrum between their views about to quickly approaching change. Sebastian wished they'd found a different location for this conversation so he could better monitor the darkening sky.

"Whatever. Some things are a bit more important than your little boyfriend today." There may have been an extra touch of irritation about Valentine's Day, but he didn't have time to address that he hadn't bothered so much as owling Reid - never mind that he had no idea what they even were - for fear of encouraging an impromptu drop-in they were so famous for with each other. Sebastian would deal with that tomorrow - or Sunday when he felt less like death.

"It's close, Bri. We should have been ready for this hours ago." He hadn't even properly locked down the manor yet.


daleysabrina February 12 2014, 22:33:17 UTC
"I know it's close. I can feel it," she assured him, taking a deep breath as if to prove a point, her entire body visibly buzzing as her hands shook with nervous energy. They'd both change within the hour now, it was only a matter of time.

The only thing they had to do was wait and Sabrina was more than confused about exactly what they had to do to get ready. This was it. She was ready.

"Trust me- today was the perfect day to see Dean. Don't you feel the energy? How can you even sit still?" It was hard to keep a satisfied grin off of her face.


daleysebastian February 12 2014, 22:49:58 UTC
"Trust me, I fucking feel it," he muttered. The energy was there, making him vaguely shaky like the disease it was. There was no need to tell her he hadn't stopped moving most of the day, facing the shift with the same type of anxious trepidation he imagined a prisoner experienced even facing torture or a firing squad.

"Which is why I need to set the charms." They were many - too many at this point to cast so quickly - and Sebastian was already evaluating which ones he could avoid without giving himself a panic attack during a change - that stopped happening years ago, thankfully.

"And make sure the vault is secure for the night."


daleysabrina February 13 2014, 02:26:02 UTC
Setting charms and the precautions were something that even Sabrina could understand, having helped set the ward barriers with Nolan before. They didn't need any of the younger weres wondering off and getting lost in the morning, waking up disoriented and scared.

"Alright- I'll help set the charms around the property," she offered, finally pausing to see just how agitated and nervous her brother actually was over all of this.

Did he get like this every month?

"What do you need to lock in the vault?"


daleysebastian February 13 2014, 02:39:31 UTC
"There's no time for that" he went back to pacing, hand shoving through his hair in agitation. Doing the minimum of charms on the house would have to suffice. He shouldn't be so annoyed, he knew that, but she'd waited too long and all he could see in his mind was a list of worst case scenarios.

Sebastian stopped at her last question. How had she missed that? Wasn't it exceptionally obvious at this point? "Us. Clearly. I'd have thought that was blatant."


daleysabrina February 13 2014, 02:54:42 UTC
"Excuse me," Sabrina choked out, stopping dead in her tracks as she looked up towards her brother's pacing form.

Her throat went completely dry.

A vault.

"You're going to lock us up like- like common house pets?"

There was no way she was getting into a cage.


daleysebastian February 13 2014, 03:31:51 UTC
"You can call it a den if that makes you feel better." He usually did, honestly. Not that it had ever served the purpose. Den emphasized the wolf - even though that's exactly what it was for - and that always pissed Sebastian off more than anything.

"Not pet, dangerous animals. You don't see lions roaming free in the countryside, do you?" This, he was certain, was a fairly airtight point. Sebastian had been having this debate with himself for years.


daleysabrina February 13 2014, 04:07:53 UTC
"That does not make me feel any better about any of this!" she told him, her heart rate quickening at the idea of being locked up, the walls closed in on her when all her legs wanted to do was stretch and run.

It would be maddening.

"Fine- not like a house pet-" She all but snarled at him, the wolf making its way to the surface. "Like a pathetic zoo animal!"


daleysebastian February 13 2014, 04:31:29 UTC
Sebastian rolled his eyes, turning his head and twisting around to face her. "It's necessary." He knew his sister wasn't used to a lot of things outside her pack, but this one seemed more than a little obvious.

The fact that she didn't understand and hadn't figured it out was mildly annoying. They probably should have had this conversation earlier, he could admit. The optimal time definitely wasn't when they the skies were getting darker, the moon ready to rise, and the pull making muscles and bones start preparing with an increasing ache that did nothing but increase his irritability.

"This isn't the woods, Sabrina. We have space, but there are people who could show up at any time. Any. Time. And I will not be responsible for a fatal accident."


daleysabrina February 13 2014, 04:46:40 UTC
"And I will not torture myself because you're self loathing-" she snapped, crossing her arms defiantly over her chest, her eyes narrowed as she stared down her older brother.

Sabrina was well aware that they weren't in the woods, the dirty air filling her lungs and choking her still whenever they ventured into the city, the crowded streets making her uncomfortable. It slapped her in the face nearly every day, still craving the clear skies and the calmed quiet of the camp. It was a lot to get used to but she was trying.

This was too much to ask of her.

"I'm not going in there. I'm going outside."


Re: daleysebastian February 13 2014, 05:04:24 UTC
"You have to think this through." Try as me might to be imploring, Sebastian came off more condescending than anything. "I might think your pack is completely mental, but they had one thing right."

This might - he was fairly certain of it - be the only thing he'd ever agree with her pack on.

"What happens when you stray too far and a Muggle sees you and shoots you for being a wolf too close to someone? Or a wizard sees you and has a really unfortunately bias against werewolves, because they'd know the difference." Sebastian hadn't been this cautious from the beginning. Self-loathing had been coming on strongly from the start, but the caution came later, following a late night disappearing act when some locals were more than a little discriminatory and began bordering on dangerous.

"It's not just about us not hurting them. It goes both ways."


Re: daleysabrina February 13 2014, 05:13:11 UTC
His reasoning hit far too close to home, her stomach twisting up inside of her and she suddenly felt sick. This was the very reason the camp stayed hidden and far away, not because they couldn't control themselves but because this world wasn't a safe place for them. The muggles were afraid and the wizards hated them.

"Don't you think I know that? Why do you think I stayed in the camp, Sabastian?" she asked him, throwing her arms out now in frustration.

She didn't need this lecture, not moments before the change. It messed with her head to hear Nolan's words from her brother's mouth.

"They hate us! They all hate us. We don't belong here."


Re: daleysebastian February 13 2014, 05:18:50 UTC
"One night a month. That's it. The rest you can be completely fucking normal." It didn't work, maybe, coming from him. No one was going to claim Sebastian Daley made it a habit of actually engaging in the world the rest of the month.

"But now is not the time for this conversation! We need to go, right now." By his estimate, they had less than 20 minutes before the first excruciating pains of the transformation started.


Re: daleysabrina February 13 2014, 05:31:47 UTC
If he thought that every other day of the month he was normal and unaffected by the wolf inside of him, he was sadly mistaken. Sabrina felt the wolf inside of her all the time, clawing to get out whenever her emotions were peaking, the hunger for red-meat a constant craving, with her body always aching to move.

"You're delusional. Too many years alone," she told him, standing her ground right there in front of him in the foyer.

He wasn't going to get her down to that cage, not if she could help it.

The minutes were ticking down, Bri's emotions peaking higher as the passed. But she had it perfectly timed, knew her body and the change so well by now that she wasn't worried- not nearly as much as her brother was.


Re: daleysebastian February 13 2014, 05:47:22 UTC
"So are you. Too many years feral." It was a low blow and he knew it. That absolutely wasn't the way to convince her he was right, but his moods were all over the place, rage and aggression coming to the forefront.

"We have to go." Sebastian's voice dipped lower, more serious if that were possible, as he took measured steps toward her. He didn't want to force her, but he also didn't want anything happening to her. "Right now."


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