This weekend marked the annual start (or is it end?) of Daylight Savings time, the stupidest "money saving" idea ever conceived.
Some people try to blame the idea on Benjamin Franklin. I have nothing for respect for Franklin, so I was confused how such a clever guy could be the impetus for such a stupid idea; so I looked into it. I was very pleased to realized he was being satirical; and then I became even sadder, realizing that, somehow, someone, had been duped by Franklin's tounge-in-cheek
essay, and inflicted it on (nearly) all of America (you go, western Indiana; stick it to the man!)
Perhaps you've heard that farmers liked the idea; that's also an urban myth; farmers get up at the crack of dawn regardless of when that is on their clock. (There's probably an equivilent rural myth saying Wall St. executives like the idea.)
And to pile stupidity on top of stupidity, the portion of the year devoted to Daylight Savings time is being extended in the U.S. (and elsewhere), starting this coming spring; yes, now our clocks will be behind their "normal" time for the majority of the year.
I'm sick of it. I'm not observing it. Yes, that "extra" hour of sleep is nice, but it's not worth the "loss" later on. I'm sure my boss won't mind me coming into work about an hour earlier from now on; we'll have to see how it goes next spring though.