To my considerable surprise, I've been asked to guest-edit the Yankee Pot Roast "Shreeks of the Week" feature for a while. This is a daily essay meditating on 80's pop music in a loose, humorous vein - actually, it's supposed to run daily, but lately it's been stalled due to resource constraints at the home office. So this is where I come into the picture.
Once I get a handle on the status quo, I will be soliciting writers and assigning obscure New Wave tracks for them to cover. I have some volunteers and the existing talent pool to draw on, but this is also an opportunity to sucker some of my talented, intelligent, funny friends into contributing. There's no payment involved, but it's good exposure and these are great fun to write.
I'm working to come up with an official editorial manifesto to guide everyone's efforts into some sort of consistency, but here's the existing archive for your perusal:
Shreek of the Week Archive So if you've always wanted to write free-associative 80's pop nostalgia/no-credentials-required music journalism, leave a comment here or drop me a line at my spammable email address,