Can't we all just get along?

Sep 02, 2004 06:37

I had my Open House last night. It's the first year where no parent has tried to get their child out of my class, most of the families showed up, and it was all very happy!

But...before that, we had a staff meeting, and all hell broke loose, by the time it was over, words were said, people flew off the handle, and I was calling the district office to make sure that the way I was treated was documented. JEEZ, just because I am paranoid does not mean people aren't out to get me.

It's too long and boring to get into, and nobody reads this but me anyway. I just am recapping yesterday in my head.
6:30-1:00- school with the kiddles
1:30- Staff Meeting
2:00- Locked out of Grade level Meeting
2:15- Do you think that we are CONSPIRING against you?
2:30-3:30- Hysterical sobbing (that would be me)
3:30- Phone call to district, where I was told I was loved.
4:00- Tried to get my head in the game, put coats of spackle on my face, cleaned my room, put on happy music
5:00-8:00- Meet the parents, Game on!
8:00- Went to favorite bar and got resoundly snockered!
10:00- Made requisite drunken phone call to old flame ( he never picks up, by the way, but it's enough to hear voice and pretend
10:30- Got hugs from brother and sister,and a few friends
11:00- went home to dog and son, laughed a lot, went to bed.
5:00- Woke up, new day, start over!!

Ok, so that was just a day in the life of a nymphomaniacaldipsomanic depressiveparanoid
Tune in tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel

I am trying to score tix to Cal Speedway, my brother says just stop anyone on Cherry with a mullet, but I don't want to go to the race, Dave Navarro is going to be there Saturday night with Camp Freddy, must go stalk him!!!!

what was it unmaker commented on one of my last posts, oh, I was being uncharacteristically lucid, well, I hate to disappoint my fans by stepping too far out of the mold that has been cast, She's BACK!!
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