Edited for presumptive content and to run in the time allowed

Aug 09, 2004 14:28

So, today was my first official Monday. I couldn't find my teacher's edition on Monday ,and just grabbed anybody's That must have looked professional, (hey, isn't she the one that is supposed to KNOW this).

be right back
my song is playing

( Is anyone out there in lj land experiencing yellow lines under random words.. I am afraid to look...)

I told Jose to just let my kids come to me
when they were done
too hot for them to go outside

I think a couple of them got in behind enemy lines
the rest had to wait for the bell to ring
their bodies physical testimony to
my general incompetence

My boss, my beloved boss,
gets the Hey, people didn't know it was Rainy Day Schedule
kids are puking waiting for their teachers
whats for lunch when the temperature on the blacktop
is 112.........


Let me interrupt for a socioeconomic observation I just came to this moment
I have a higher percentage of kids this year who
eat the hot dog

or not

I could never get it straight when my son was in school
he always owed
it's a wonder he didn't starve
of course he doesn't remember the top ramen years
Jeees, it was in this decade!!!!

Have I been here 5 years?
Not really,
April 13, 2000
Introducing the literature selection, starting a new math concept, getting the kiddles to make smooth transitions. I bought them all water bottles this morning, because it has been so hot, and I don't trust the water here in Fontana. There was a boy in my class who was so burned out by the end of the day he was doing countdowns, looking back at the clock every few seconds, counting on his fingers how many minutes until 3:19, not 3:15, that was last year.
In order to have minimum days for the kids on Wednesdays, so we can be subjected to the (excuse me, grossly negligently slander )ahem, Developed professionally.
Hey, I have to stop complaining
I am a government employee.
They have unlimited access to my mind

(Guess what movie I saw this weekend!)
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